Monday, December 17, 2012

Ruthless Carnage

Ruthless Carnage


The developed nation

Easy access to

Arms and ammunition

To common men

Also to hunters and

Target shooters....


Broken homes

Insecurity, anguish

Frustration, anger

Pent up emotions

Insanity,  hatred


High alert security

A known devil

Sneaks in but

The Satan is neither

Known nor unknown

Has neither face nor religion


He just appeared

With a venomous heart

Blasted his way into

The “sandy Hook”

Sprayed the innocent

Little Angels with

Bullets fired

 From his handguns

With far and close range

Leaving twenty kiddos

And six adults with

Devastating wounds

All over all over ..


The classroom

That imparted knowledge

Turned into a battlefield

With pool of blood and

Heart breaking wailing....


Beautiful Connecticut

Picturesque Newtown

Busy with holiday tree lighting

With apple cider, hot chocolate

Getting ready to greet

Their very own “Santa”

For their little ones

Planning Christmas gifts

 With all the gusto

Plunged into mourning

Shocked and horrified

Rushed to the school

Which they trusted

To be the safest

Place for their children

 Only to see them

Defaced, soaked in blood


The inconsolable

Grief stricken parents

Too shocked to

Believe what had

Happened to their

Own flesh and blood...


Whom do we blame ?

Whom do we hold

Responsible for,

this heinous crime?

‘Lanza’ –the Satan

Who lost his mental balance,

Or all those adults

Who never gave him,

that emotional security

Or the easy access

to those guns...

I am yet to find an answer...


23-57       16th December 2012

As I watched CNN and read the report of N Y times about the ghastly killing of 20 innocent children aged between five and ten and 6 adults, I did not know how to react, my heart sank and the pain has occupied major part of my thought process, so much so that I am not able to come out of it or think anything else.

After 2 days I could express my feelings in the form of a poem.

We all need to seriously ponder, find out where we are going wrong. We have made a tremendous progress in almost every sphere of life but I think in a bid to chase success, money and comforts we have left our children starving emotionally, failed to give them that emotional  security or mental  stability.

After all Adam Lanza was not a born terrorist, if the reports are to be believed, he was a bright and ambitious student.    What then forced him to take such a drastic step? What prompted him to kill his own mother? Why did he target the innocent children? Is it that he was so frustrated with adults and thought of saving the young children from all that what he was going through in life? Or he did it just for the sadistic pleasure?

Many such questions are springing up in my head like the demons that sprang out of every drop of blood that fell on the ground, from the body of a  mythological demon “ Raktabeejasura” but I am not able to get any satisfactory answer.

Why do we then buy the toy guns, violent video games and introduce our children to speed and violence at their impressionable age of plasticity? In 1984 when my son Tapan was studying in Junior KG class, I had bought him a Leo toy gun which made rattling noise of multiple firing. I was a young mother in my mid twenties, for me buying the latest toy for my kid was just to make him feel good.

One day Rev. Fr. Herbert, Principal of Fatima High school where my son was studying, dropped in at our place. He started asking us how we were bringing up our kid. We showed all the books and toys that we had procured for our son. He picked up the Leo Gun and told on our face “ I didn’t expect the educated parents like you to buy a destructive toy for your little one who is so well behaved and bright” he then walked away with the toy gun. My son never asked for it again.

Today I am reminded of Fr Herbert, though I am clueless as to where is he at this moment. But I have not forgotten the great lesson he taught me.

What kind of previous Karma these twenty kids had in store that they just withered away before blossoming.....What sin the parents had committed to mourn the death of their  little children, while they had planned a great Christmas for them? Why were those adults-Principal, psychologist and teachers killed? Did they do something wrong by trying to protect those who were under their wings?

 I salute those two teachers who could save some children by hiding them in a class room and by helping them escape through the window. God bless them.

But what would be the mental state of those children who witnessed all this? Will they trust and go back to school? All we teachers need to think about it.

Everybody talks about globalisation, universal brotherhood at the drop of a hat but how many feel that compassion for all other human co habitants of this globe?

I sincerely appeal to the Lord to give courage to all those inconsolable parents and relatives, my deepest condolences.

Let us all pray unanimously for all those Souls who departed us and wish them a ‘Merry Christmas’ in His Kingdom with God Almighty Himself.
